Saturday 2 February 2013

my favorite things

i am not going on a date with anyone unless it is serious but i am not onto just dating i try not to think anything romantic about anyone unless i have a commitment because the man i give my heart to is the man i marry,imagine how precious that will be when i give my heart to a man for the first and only time,if i ever give any men my trust and put myself in his hands i want a commitment that he will never break my heart,all my life i been preparing to be a good wife,i want a good husband,do you know what it takes to make a good marriage? i should always keep myself for my husband,i should not even hold hands until i know the man that i am going to marry,love is beautiful when you wait for it. If you don't belive your wife is precious you won't cherish her,if you don't belive love is the best when it is pure you won't never wait patient for it,if you don't belive the baby is God's creation you won't never protect it, What do you belive?

God gave you and me
A precious love
That has grown in time
When things were tough
It was in those times
When love came through
In laughing, in crying,
Our love stands true
Our love still grows
And deepens even more
With hope in our hearts
And trust in our Lord.

God has said
That we should not
Live our lives alone
But to have someone
Close by our side
Together to make a home

He gave to me
Someone like you
So I could share my life
Together we stand
Whatever may come
With God’s love inside.

God has given me
Someone like you
To have and to hold
‘Till our lives are through
Our lives together
Was planned from the start,
It was there in the making
When love touched our hearts.

Life has its share
Of happy and sad,
Some laughter and tears
Some good and some bad
I just want to say,
I’m glad I have you
To share those times with
And God's precious love too.

My love for you
Is still strong
Upon the foundation
Our marriage is built on
On this special day
That I share with you,
We reflect back on
The day we said, ‘I do’
For God has blessed
This love we share
With each new day
And each new year.

God was there
At the start
When our lives touched

He filled our lives;
He filled our hearts
Our love was such

And still today
In every way,
I love you just as much.

I just wanted to say
How much that I love you,
From the moment that we met
And long after we've said, “I Do”
I can’t ever imagine
You not being in my life
I thank the Lord for joining us
Together as husband and wife.

From the day we pledged our love,
I seem to love you more
Over time our love has deepened
And grown stronger in the Lord
Through all the ups and downs we’ve had,
Our love has not grown dim
The light burns brighter to reflect
The love of God within.

You are the love of my life
And no one else could compare
The Lord joined us together as one
With a precious love to share
My soul mate and my closest friend
Together walking through life,
Hand in hand with a common purpose
To be faithfully serving Christ.

Your marriage is so beautiful
And is truly heaven made
Your love, hope and faith in God
Is strong and does not fade
May you truly sense God’s love
As you celebrate today
And see the future years together
As memories to be made.

Your commitment to each other
Is so evident to us,
Through all the ups and downs of life,
You’ve learned how to trust
We pray that as you celebrate
The love you both share,
You’ll sense the love and grace of God
And know He’s always near.

Jesus is the one
We build our lives upon,
There can be no other
Foundation that is strong
And if we look to Him
In times of joy and grief,
He will answer all our needs
And give eternal peace.

You come before God, today
To commit your lives together
All the vows that you make
Remain in place forever
Never sway to the left or right,
Keep on the straight and narrow
Always walking side by side
And on into tomorrow.

God brought you two
To join as one
Blessed and sanctified
Through God’s dear son
Today and everyday
And for many years ahead,
May your love be like a strand
Of a strong woven thread

Don’t build your home
On the sinking sand
Because in hard times
It will never stand
Build your home
On the foundation of love
It will then stand strong
When times get rough.
The blessings of the Lord,
I pray will not depart
But remain forever more
In both your tender hearts
The Lord will bless you,
And He will keep you safe
He will watch over you
And guard you in your ways
His face will shine upon you
And His blessings will increase
His love will see you through
And give you perfect peace.

God has a plan for you,
If you both believe
And put your hand in His
And go where He will lead
He joined your lives today
As you have pledged your love
To walk this road together
With faith, hope and trust

God has filled you
With His love inside
He brought you together
As husband and wife
To love each other
For the rest of your lives
And to not give up
When you get into strife
For times like these
Is a part of life
And part of marriage
Is loving it righ

Honesty and truth
Is the only way
For a happy marriage
Beyond the wedding day
As you start to open
Your lives to one another
With no secrets kept,
You’ll enjoy life together
And God will bless you both
As you begin to follow through
With the vows that you make
In honesty and truth.

For the lovely couple
Who choose to share their lives
Together in matrimony
With God as their guide
Always share together
The experiences of life
Through all the ups and downs
Walk together, side by side
Communicate your love
In unselfish ways,
Sharing every moment
Beyond your wedding day.

May the Lord bless you
And keep you in
His tender care

May you always know
The precious love
You both now share

May it continue to be
With you throughout
The coming years.

United Hearts

God has brought you here together
To be united in His love,
Joined in Holy Matrimony
With faith in God above

Let your faith guide your lives
With a measure of God's grace,
For this is what keeps love strong
Through whatever you may face

Keep building your marriage on
The foundation of Christ
It will not crumble or give way
Through the daily pressures of life

But it will stand the test of time
Growing stronger day by day
Just keep your hearts truly united
Joined as one when you pray

The cord that binds your hearts
Will not fray, or break in two
When you build your lives on God,
He will walk with you.

True Love

Love can always conquer
Whatever discord brings
And love can also cover
A multitude of things

Don't you under estimate
What love can ever do
For love is God eternal
And His love can renew

What is cold and lifeless
Now lost all hope and died
For love can breathe new meaning
And give it back new life

Please don't give up on love
When it seems that all is lost
For there is always hope
If we're prepared to pay the cost

For love is always worth it
No matter how much the price
For love will be much stronger
When we trust in Jesus Christ

So let God have full reign,
Let Him live within your heart
Then you will know true love,
For this He will impart.

Sometimes Love...

Sometimes love can be quiet
And sometimes love can be still,
But always love is patient
And is a choice of our will

Sometimes love can be vibrant
Sometimes it's not easily felt,
But always love is eternal
And is never boastful or proud

Sometimes love can be tender
Then sometimes hard to express,
But always love is truthful
And believes in the very best

Sometimes love can be exciting
And love can sometimes be sweet
For love is always trusting
And chooses never to envy

Sometimes love can be painful
Then sometimes love's like a song,
But always love is forgiving
And keeps no record of wrongs

Sometimes love can be gentle
Then sometimes it’s just a word,
But always love protects and hopes
And love is always preserved

Love is never self-seeking
And is never angered or rude
Love can never fail us,
For God’s love is faithful and true.


Love is the tie
That can never be broken
Even at times
When hurts are unspoken
Love can bring out
The hurt deep inside;
Love can comfort
The small faint cry
Of a heart that is broken
In need of repair
Love has now awoken
The inner depth we share
Feelings are futile
When being compared
To real, genuine love
That is evident here.

Love Can...

Love can surely rescue
A heart in deep despair,
A heart that has given up
And no longer feels God near

Love can breathe new meaning
When there’s nothing left inside,
When there’s no feeling or emotion
Just dryness in our lives

Love can restore new hope
After it’s withered and died
For hope is what will get us through
And love can be its guide

Love can run and embrace
The prodigal returning home
And the one that has come to the end
Those hurting, lost and alone

For God’s love is the answer
To our broken, empty lives,
As we come with an open heart,
He can dispel all the hurt inside

And He will heal our brokenness
And lovingly, He will bind
The wounds that have left us scarred
And bring soundness to our minds

So give it over to God’s love,
Our lives, and all that we are
Then we will know and walk in His love,
For His love shall dwell in our hearts.

For the wonderful couple,
Who have made the first step
To commit their lives together
For the future that lies ahead
May all of God’s blessings
Abound toward you,
Now and for always
As you prepare to say “I do”.

Take this time before
The big wedding day
To understand and know
The vows that you will say
To love one another
And accept each other too
To look unto the Lord,
Who joins the two of you
He knows the future
He has for both of you
As you walk this road together
In love and in truth.

The time of preparation
For the day that is to come
Is often filled with rushing
To get everything done
But take some time out
From all the fuss and bother
To focus on God
And your love for each other.

The time of being engaged
Is a time to reflect
On what marriage really is
And the vows we can’t forget
It’s not just the wedding
That we need to be prepared,
But the life-long marriage
In the years that lie ahead.

Young and tender hearts
Filled with hopes and dreams
Of building up a future
Together as a team
Always look to God
For He holds you both
Faith is your foundation
With love, peace and hope.

As you both prepare
For the big day ahead
When you say your ‘I do’s’
And the love you will pledge
May this time right now
Be happy and blessed
And may you find love
In God’s tenderness.

For the couple who receive
Today and every day
The blessings of the Lord
That will surely never fade
May your lives be like a garden
With every precious seed
To help you in your life
With everything you need
May the fruit of that seed
Be seen by everyone
That they may know through you
What God’s love has done.

God has brought your lives together
So you won’t live alone,
But together build a firm foundation
On which you can build your home
And together as you prepare for the day
When you vow to love each other
Respect and honour the God-given gifts
And the potential in one another
For God has created you both to have
A united cause and vision
For as you are truly joined as one,
You’ll be more effective for Him.


We grow closer to each other
When we’re closer to the Lord,
The common faith that we share
Binds our hearts in one accord

For friendships last a life time
When built on Jesus Christ,
Throughout each different season,
We find we are in life

Friends are there through times of grief
And times when hope is gone,
Always there with encouragement
So we can carry on

So thank the Lord for giving you
A true and faithful friend,
To laugh with you, and cry with you
On whom you can depend

For friends will stay no matter what
Giving you support
And together your hearts truly unite
With the love of the Lord.

Just wanted you to know
How special you really are,
A friend I’ve relied upon
And hold dear to my heart
May God bless your day
In whatever you may do
And wherever you may be, my friend,
I will say a prayer for you.

I’d like to think that we
Remain as friends for life
No matter what we go through,
May our friendship never die
For true friends stick together
Whatever comes their way
And through it all the friendship grows
Becoming stronger each new day.

I pray a special blessing
Upon your life today
That God will bless you abundantly
In every little way
For you have been to me
A blessing from the Lord,
A special friend I needed
And whom I was praying for.

God has brought you
Across my path
That we may become friends
Kindred spirits,
Knitted together
In Christ until the end.
I just want to say
How much you mean to me,
Your friendship is so precious,
A gift from God indeed
I treasure every moment,
Together, we have spent,
For God has brought us together,
My mentor and my friend.

May God touch your life
In a very special way
As you have touched my life
In all you do and say
For I’m eternally grateful
For a special friend like you,
A friend that is heaven sent,
So faithful and so true.

Don't MARRY SOMEone just because of the Physical TRAITS but the SPIRITUAL.
A beautiful Lady is good but remember beauty is more of the Spirit, same goes for the gent.
The One WHO doesn't understand your LAnGUAGE of COMMITMEnT and PURPOSE is not FOR YoU?
Can TWO walk together except they agree?
You never see Him or Her talking about Speaking in Tongues, sowing seeds, praying or even God's word but He or She is a christian. WATCH IT! You CAn'T marry every Christian.
He doesn't have to be a Pastor to be this way!
This is our LIFE.
Don't LET somebody LED you ASTRAY.
When you say I want to give all my salary as first fruit, he or she asks you what's that?
Does He or She know WHO YOU ArE or HOW BIG GOD IS?
If a Man is not yielded to God he can't led a woman in the right path.
He should have a passion TO ADVAnCE or FInance the GOSPEL at his Level!
Look Adam was not Lonely when EVE was given to Him HE WAS BUSY.
HE has to be BUSY with GOD'S WORK or SERVICE! Watch what His passions are.
Even if He is BUSY with BUSIness that BUSIness better has GOD in It.
Then again SOW SEEDS TOGETHER for the FUTURE you are PLAnnInG don't just start going everywhere buying things together( gascooker, households) for your home and future you haven't first given to GOD.
Take out time to deliberate God's word.
SPEAK in TOnGUEs for at least an HOUR together sometimes not just going to fastfoods!
now Just because HE or SHE says no doesn't mean they are bad or are loosing anything for not marrying YOU.
GOD has not WRITTEn anYone's name on anybody's Spirit!
It's a CHOICE. God has only given us a guide on WHO to MARRY.
Don't LET anyone REDUCE YOU.
Stay onTOP.

You are my wonderful Valentine,
I could never want for more
Each year you grow more beautiful
And graceful in the Lord
I love you just as much today
As I did when we first met
The love we've shared over the years
Has never faded yet
And will never fade as the years
Continue to pass us by
For as the Lord is part of us,
Our love grows more inside.

You, my love, mean more to me
Than I could ever convey
My soul mate and closest friend,
A ray of light God gave
I can't find the words to express
How much you mean to me
For the love I have for you today
Goes on through eternity.

Today, I want to take the time
To say that, 'I Love You'
To express to you just how I feel
Is not always easy to do
But I always want you to know this,
Even when I can't express,
Because you mean the world to me
And I know I'm truly blessed

I want you to know this day,
My love for you is such
That no matter what we've been through,
I still love you just as much
For it hasn't been an easy road,
We have walked together
But we've travelled on with the Lord
And with love for one another.

I can't help but thank the Lord
For bringing you into my life
You fill my world with so much love,
I'm so glad you're my wife
And you will always be to me,
My special Valentine
For there is none that could compare
No one like you, I'd find

I want to let you know today
How I truly feel
I love you, and I know I can't
Continue to keep it concealed
So I want to express today
The love I have inside
And be your special Valentine,
Each day of my life.

The Lord has truly blessed me
When you came into my life
You've changed my world of darkness
Into beautiful rays of light
You are my very closest friend
And will be for all time
My love will never fade away
For you, my Valentine.

I know that God brought us together
And that you're heaven sent
For you are everything to me,
My lover and my friend
And as we spend this day together
Reflecting on our love,
Let's rejoice in the one who made it,
Our Father God above.

to be in love

To be in love when the love is knocking at your door!

We don't understand that the one we want to marry won't be able to make us happy but our God knows someone more perfect for us and to understand us.
call God to help you,and you will never regret this.
God will give you the husband or wife that is perfect for you,please don't play with the love,to say or to make someone belive some things that you don't mean it.
One time a young man visits a young girl without thinking to marry her,and he invites her out with him,he than has the permission to hug her,to kiss her and when he gets tired of her,he will leave her and than he will say it was not my mistake i never ask her love.
some girls behave the same too,one time a girl see's that a young man gives her attention but she knows very well that she will never accept to marry him,and with all this just to have fun and when he has a nice car she goes out with him and makes him to think that he is happy when he is with her,she than allows him to kiss her and one day he will ask her for her hand in marriage,than she will be surprized.I was thinking we wore just friends my love we can never have a happy marriage togheter.
Who can pay a price of a broken heart? Gal 6:7
If you want a happy marriage than be careful.
Do you want others to play with your heart as with a ball? don't you know that this game will cost you a lot?
You must be right before God and He will give you what your heart wants,if you want to be strong and want to have a happy family put than God first in your life and study the bible.
One time a young man wants to have fun with a girl which he does not have in mind to marry her,than one day he will say i did not do anything wrong,i did not behave bad towards her,i just hug her,kiss her as if i had loved her,but in this way are you doing what the bible says? or are you playing with the love?
One time another guy stays alone with a girl and trys to bring her close to him and trys to kiss her but through his way he says my girl your kiss has too much price to be given at your first meeting keep it safe and don't allow no one to kiss you if you don't want to marry that person,and if you do so that man wont never respect you.
please my friends don't allow someone to kiss you if you don't plan to marry her or him.
If a man is serious to marry you he won't be afraid to meet your parents and ask them to take you as his wife and the girl as well to visit his parents too.
love is the best thing!
those who are engaged will meet more at there parents home and the parents will allow them alone to talk about plans for the future the bible says always pray.
Always pray togheter when you are with your love.
One day you will marry the girl you love,in your eyes she will be the best from all,she will be choosen for you from God and from that family kids will be born for your happiness and you will be proud cause you are there dad and you will work hard for your family.when you will come home from work you will hear there footsteps jumping and happy calling you dad is coming than huging you and wanted to hold them and through all there smile they will make you forget about the worries of the day. you will grow them for a better future.
If you have a girl how would you like a man to treat her?won't you be sad if a man is just having fun with her and treat her bad and use her just for a time?
My friends the answer is up to where can a girl or boy go?,what freedom can i have? but i want to tell you one day you will be a mother to a nice and lovly boy,would you like the girls to break his heart and play with him? if not please don't do the same to others.
To be loved has more price than silver and gold, you can know a girl the way she dress,after her words and her look,if she not for you than run away from her,don't play with the fire,if you put your hand in fire than you will burn.
A man that wants to sleep with a women before marriage he does not have any wish to marry her,in his eyes than you are nothing.
love is beautiful and it is clean,run away from these kind of guys.
One day you will choose your partner for life,you must behave with wisdom is there anything more beautiful than to be engaged?
how can i know the one God wants me to marry?
you have to trust God my friends with all your heart.
Two people that God choosed to be togheter they will be perfect for each other,and you will know if this person is the one that God had choosed for you.
If you are a child of God don't think you can live happy with someone who is not born again,don't think you will win him after marriage for Christ,if you couldn't do it now before marriage.
if you knew how inportant god is in your life you have to get to know God first.
If He did it for others He can do it for you too.

"...Let marriage be held in honour (esteemed worthy, precious, of great price, and especially dear) in all things. And thus let the marriage bed be undefiled (kept undishonoured); for God will judge and punish the unchaste [all guilty of sexual vice] and adulterous..." - Hebrews 13: 4

Marriage these days seems to be anything but 'held in honour'. More people are opting out of getting 'married'; instead many prefer to be 'living together'. Others marry with conditions attached, or they marry and give up to soon. Sometimes we think the easiest option is to walk away. It's just too hard and painful to deal with the issues that arise. But that's just what Satan wants. I believe the enemy is behind so much of the breakdowns in marriage and families. Even at the political level!

God takes marriage seriously, after all, He instituted it. No matter how hard it gets in our marriages, and we feel we want to give up, we need to remember that God can make a way where there is no way. A friend of mine shared that with me when I was going through a rough time. It really hit home. I had lost hope, but that statement gave me hope again. Nothing is too difficult to deal with when you invite God into it.

Marriage is most precious to the Lord

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