Saturday 2 February 2013

parents poetry

My Mothers Arms

I still remember her songs of love, 
Melodies she sang as she rocked my troubles away. 
I fondly recall a friendship shared, 
Despite how I tried to grow up so fast. 

I appreciate a relationship so special, 
I hold her so dear to my heart. 
Although I am now married with a family of my own, 
We're never really apart.

My mother has always listened to my dreams,
And encouraged my heart to try.
She has never told me, "I told you so",
Even when some of the dreams died.

Although I had two brothers,
Mom never left any of us out.
She always managed to be there for us all,
Her devotion and love were never in doubt.

I think back from time to time,
And remember so much joy.
And realize that despite my age,
I will always be her little boy.

I Love You Dad

I fondly recall the times we spent just Dad and me.

L ooking back I appreciate the sacrifices he made to provide my childhood with happiness.
O ver the years I have grown to respect my father for the way he taught me to be a man.
V ivid memories of the laughter we shared flood my memory with waves of joy.
E ven when he had worked all day my father found more energy for us kids.

Y ears ago I realized how wonderful a friend my Dad was for me.
O h, if I could have been as good of son as he was a wonderful father to me.
U nder my father's roof I learned how to love my son.

D aily encouragement from my father helped me grow in confidence.
A lthough he had a full schedule he always found time for ours, always putting family before self.
D ad I love you. Thanks so much for teaching me to be a good father.

My Dad

My dad was always there for me.
He picked me up when I was down.
I always felt so safe and secure.
Because I knew he was around.

My dad taught me how to throw a ball,
He never asked for perfection.
He never made fun of me or put me down,
If my throws went in the wrong direction.

I know there were times when I let him down.
I know I have broken his heart.
But he never turned his back on me
Even when my actions threatened to tear us apart.

His example was one that demanded attention.
He taught me to be a man.
It was not just by the words he said.
But by the gentleness of his hand.

My father punished me when I needed discipline,
Scolded when I deserved a lesson,
But I never remember believing that I was mistreated,
Or victim of misplaced agression.

My dad's love also helped me later in life,
Love my eternal father too
For in me dad created an image of
A father who was always true.

I thank my dad for all his love.
And for the man I am trying to be.
But no matter how old I get,
I will always be his little monkey.


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