Tuesday 22 January 2013

am in a desert

Refreshing Waters

Sometimes I feel I’m in a desert
Trying to find my way
The heat beating down with no relief
With no shelter through the day

Day and night, I cry out to God
That He will come to my aid
And just when I feel like giving up,
In His refreshing waters I wade

For God supplies streams of hope
That flows to wash over me
It seems, though, for a brief moment,
A short and temporal relief

Then once again I’m in the desert
Enduring the heat and the wind
Not long, O Lord, I start to pant
For refreshing waters within

I have to stop and ask myself,
Why am I where I am?
It seems I’m wondering aimlessly
With no purpose, direction or plan

I long, O God, to find a way out
No longer to be in this place
When, O God, shall I be released
And dwell in your mercy and grace?

I long for your refreshing waters
To daily be part of my life
To continually be immersed in the streams
Of the blessings that flow from Christ.

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