Monday 21 January 2013

Be committed

Read: Genesis 22: 1-13 

Boy, talk about being committed to God! God tested Abraham to see how committed he was to Him. Isaac, the promised son, was to be sacrificed. Abraham was prepared to sacrifice Isaac because of his great faith in God. God stopped him, before any harm came to Isaac – but what a test of faith!

God still tests us from time to time, to see how committed we really are to Him. Being committed to God, no matter what, can be really hard. There a times, like in this story, where our faith is challenged. But no matter what comes up against us, we need to remain committed to the Lord.

It’s really hard when we come up against opposition at school, in a sports team or a club we belong to. But hard as it may be, we need to still remain committed to God. As Christians, our faith will come under attack from others that don’t understand. But stand strong and don’t give in. Remember, God loves you. He will honour your stand for Him.

If you are having a hard time right now with others attacking your faith, first of all bring them before the Lord in prayer. Then pray daily for God to strengthen you and to give you wisdom.

You won’t ever be going through this alone. God is with you always. Stay Committed!

Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established. ~ Proverbs 16: 3

Lord, please help me stay committed
No matter how hard it gets
For I know you love and care for me
And want for me the best

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