Tuesday 22 January 2013

christmas poetry

Mary's Song

My soul doth magnify
And glory in the Lord
His lowly handmaiden
He has chosen over all
My spirit doth rejoice
Over God my saviour
For He has truly blessed me
And shown great favour...

Blessed and exalted
Is the fruit of her womb
The promise from ages past
Was coming very soon
I wonder if Mary
The servant of the Lord
Understood with depth
The magnitude of her call

The son she brought forth
Called Holy and righteous
Blessed Prince of Peace
Forever there to guide us
Did she know that Jesus
Is the name above all names?
That no one else can save us
And take away our shame

Did Mary know His future
And who He really was?
Did she know the price He'd pay
Upon the blood-stained cross?
Oh a mother’s heart must ache
To see her first born son
Hanging from a wooden cross
Rejected by everyone

Did she know that He would rise
And walk among them again?
To eat and drink and share with them
Until He would ascend
He left with us His Holy Spirit
Forever to dwell inside
I wonder if Mary ever knew
The significance of His life

As A Baby Jesus Came

As a baby, Jesus came
From His home above
He left His throne and who He was
To teach us how to love

As a baby, Jesus came
Wrapped in swaddling cloth,
Willingly took on humanity
Though He was one with God

As a baby, Jesus came
To one day grow to be
The saviour of the human race,
People like you and me

As a baby, Jesus came
As God’s eternal light
That will never be extinguished
But forever shine out bright

As a baby, Jesus came
The hope of eternal life
Reconciling us back to God
Giving meaning to our lives

As a man, Jesus died
His blood poured out for all
Cleansing and forgiving us
For to this He was called

We thank Him that He came a babe
And grew to be a man
And for His sacrificial love
His nailed scarred feet and hands

Through it all we can live on
With Jesus Christ our Lord
The babe that came that first Christmas
Is what we thank Him for

Don't Forget Jesus

Christmas is a special time
To reflect on Jesus Christ,
The wonder of His lowly birth
Brings meaning to our lives

There really is no other reason,
We celebrate this day,
The birth of God’s precious son
And the life, He willingly gave

But so much seems to distract us
In the busy-ness of our lives,
We lose our focus in all the happenings,
Not knowing, we leave out Christ

We lose sight of the true meaning
As we endlessly rush about
Trying to find that perfect gift,
Seems to cloud our Saviour out

We need to stop and reflect awhile
Remembering our precious Lord,
His birth, His life and sacrifice
And all that He stands for

For though the world may celebrate,
It seems though for other reasons,
Let’s keep in mind that Jesus Christ
Is the true meaning of the season.

The True Meaning Of Christmas

Jesus Christ was born this day
So many years before
He came a servant to the lost
Though he was Lord of Lords

We celebrate this joyous time
Reflecting on His birth
Not born in a mansion, but a stable
As if He had no worth

He came so He could identify
With the human heart of man
And gave His life as a sacrifice
Offering a better plan

A plan that reconciles us back
To our loving Father God
Bringing hope and redemption from
Sins ruling, iron rod

For this is the only reason that we
Should celebrate this day
To become focused on anything else
Would take the meaning away

So let’s arise with joy in our hearts
And share it with everyone
The meaning of Christmas will always be
The birth of Jesus – God’s son

The Lord's Light Within

Lord, we reflect with thankful hearts
On the wonder of your birth
The love you expressed when you left
Your glory to come to earth

For your life was like a beacon, Lord
Shining brightly in the night
Filling the world with the radiance of
The Father’s glorious light

And we, too, long to have inside
Your light for others to see
The beautiful reflection of your grace
And the wonder of your majesty

For as your life indwells our hearts,
We can shine wherever we are
And arise to take hold of each new day
With your light ablaze in our hearts

So rekindle the flame within us, Lord
So it will not flicker nor dim
Ignite us with the light of your love,
So you will shine brightly within

What Christmas Is All About

Christmas will always be for us
A time to reflect on Christ,
The gift God gave to all the world
Was the gift of His life

We know Christmas is not about tinsel,
Nor fancy Christmas wreaths,
Nor is it about all the decorations
That adorns our Christmas trees

And it’s not about Holly or Mistletoe
Hanging from our doors,
Nor is it about the gifts that are left
By the jolly Santa Claus

Christmas is more than all of this
And the only reason why
We celebrate Christ’s birth together
And the wonder of His life

So remember as you celebrate,
Just what it’s all about
And invite the Lord to join with you,
Instead of leaving Him out

For He will always be the reason
We celebrate this day,
No substitute the world may offer
Can take that meaning away.

"...For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father [of Eternity], Prince of Peace..." - Isaiah 9: 6

As we are heading toward Christmas, let us focus on the reason for the season, which is Jesus. Jesus is our Wonderful Counsellor. He is our Mighty God - the Everlasting Father. He is the Prince of Peace. His coming was prophesied, long before He came. His names were given to Him long before His lowly birth. May we focus on and celebrate who Jesus is and all that His names represent.

His miraculous birth was the start of something that history will never repeat. Christ's birth, His life, death and resurrection, and our relationship with Him because of this, is the reason we celebrate.

No one else can bear these names
For no one could ever be the same

Emmanuel - God With Us

This is another name given to Jesus. Jesus was truly one with God - taking on humanity to bring reconciliation between God and us.

This was the only way to bring us back into relationship with God. God came as a baby, grew to be a man and walked, talked and fellowshipped with humanity in the person of Jesus - Emmanuel - God with us. And today we as Christians can enjoy the presence of God and fellowship with Him through our faith in Jesus.

God is with us today
So let us celebrate!

"...And while they were there, the time came for her delivery, and she gave birth to her Son, her Firstborn; and she wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room or place for them in the inn..." - Luke 2: 6-7

And Jesus was born!

Jesus the king of kings and Lord of Lords was not born in a mansion, nor was He born to wealthy parents. He was born of lowly means in a stable because there was no room for Him in the inn. He didn't come here to be treated as a king, or someone of noble standing. He didn't come here to live in a mansion, or live a life of ease. He came to save the lost - which is all mankind.

So let us celebrate the Lord and thank Him for the sacrifice He made in leaving His throne in glory, to come as an ordinary person like you and me, and then giving up His life for us.

Jesus was born on Christmas day
And for this very reason, we celebrate.

"...Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning...." - James 1: 17(NKJV)

We rush around so much at Christmas time trying to find the perfect gift for someone. It can be a very stressful time, and can take our focus off the real meaning of Christmas.

Most of what we buy is only for a moment in time. There's no real lasting value, especially when buying for Kids! We may lose interest, or it's finished with, or kids toys get broken and clothing is outgrown. Every good and perfect gift comes from God the Father, and His gifts are eternal. He has given each of us 'gifts' to do His will. But the most important gift of all was the gift of His son - Jesus.

Each good and perfect gift that's given
Comes down from above, from our Father in Heaven

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