Wednesday 23 January 2013

to be in love

To be in love when the love is knocking at your door!

We don't understand that the one we want to marry won't be able to make us happy but our God knows someone more perfect for us and to understand us.
call God to help you,and you will never regret this.
God will give you the husband or wife that is perfect for you,please don't play with the love,to say or to make someone belive some things that you don't mean it.
One time a young man visits a young girl without thinking to marry her,and he invites her out with him,he than has the permission to hug her,to kiss her and when he gets tired of her,he will leave her and than he will say it was not my mistake i never ask her love.
some girls behave the same too,one time a girl see's that a young man gives her attention but she knows very well that she will never accept to marry him,and with all this just to have fun and when he has a nice car she goes out with him and makes him to think that he is happy when he is with her,she than allows him to kiss her and one day he will ask her for her hand in marriage,than she will be surprized.I was thinking we wore just friends my love we can never have a happy marriage togheter.
Who can pay a price of a broken heart? Gal 6:7
If you want a happy marriage than be careful.
Do you want others to play with your heart as with a ball? don't you know that this game will cost you a lot?
You must be right before God and He will give you what your heart wants,if you want to be strong and want to have a happy family put than God first in your life and study the bible.
One time a young man wants to have fun with a girl which he does not have in mind to marry her,than one day he will say i did not do anything wrong,i did not behave bad towards her,i just hug her,kiss her as if i had loved her,but in this way are you doing what the bible says? or are you playing with the love?
One time another guy stays alone with a girl and trys to bring her close to him and trys to kiss her but through his way he says my girl your kiss has too much price to be given at your first meeting keep it safe and don't allow no one to kiss you if you don't want to marry that person,and if you do so that man wont never respect you.
please my friends don't allow someone to kiss you if you don't plan to marry her or him.
If a man is serious to marry you he won't be afraid to meet your parents and ask them to take you as his wife and the girl as well to visit his parents too.
love is the best thing!
those who are engaged will meet more at there parents home and the parents will allow them alone to talk about plans for the future the bible says always pray.
Always pray togheter when you are with your love.
One day you will marry the girl you love,in your eyes she will be the best from all,she will be choosen for you from God and from that family kids will be born for your happiness and you will be proud cause you are there dad and you will work hard for your family.when you will come home from work you will hear there footsteps jumping and happy calling you dad is coming than huging you and wanted to hold them and through all there smile they will make you forget about the worries of the day. you will grow them for a better future.
If you have a girl how would you like a man to treat her?won't you be sad if a man is just having fun with her and treat her bad and use her just for a time?
My friends the answer is up to where can  a girl or boy go?,what freedom can i have? but i want to tell you one day you will be a mother to a nice and lovly boy,would you like the girls to break his heart and play with him? if not please don't do the same to others.
To be loved has more price than silver and gold, you can know a girl the way she dress,after her words and her look,if she not for you than run away from her,don't play with the fire,if you put your hand in fire than you will burn.
A man that wants to sleep with a women before marriage he does not have any wish to marry her,in his eyes than you are nothing.
love is beautiful and it is clean,run away from these kind of guys.
One day you will choose your partner for life,you must behave with wisdom is there anything more beautiful than to be engaged?
how can i know the one God wants me to marry?
you have to trust God my friends with all your heart.
Two people that God choosed to be togheter they will be perfect for each other,and you will know if this person is the one that God had choosed for you.
If you are a child of God don't think you can live happy with someone who is not born again,don't think you will win him after marriage for Christ,if you couldn't do it now before marriage.
if you knew how inportant god is in your life you have to get to know God first.
If He did it for others He can do it for you too.

He wants to and He can do it for you too if you allow him and belive in Him.

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