Monday 21 January 2013

love and friendship


Love is the tie
That can never be broken
Even at times
When hurts are unspoken
Love can bring out
The hurt deep inside;
Love can comfort
The small faint cry
Of a heart that is broken
In need of repair
Love has now awoken
The inner depth we share
Feelings are futile
When being compared
To real, genuine love
That is evident here.

True Love

Love can always conquer
Whatever discord brings
And love can also cover
A multitude of things

Don't you under estimate
What love can ever do
For love is God eternal
And His love can renew

What is cold and lifeless
Now lost all hope and died
For love can breathe new meaning
And give it back new life

Please don't give up on love
When it seems that all is lost
For there is always hope
If we're prepared to pay the cost

For love is always worth it
No matter how much the price
For love will be much stronger
When we trust in Jesus Christ

So let God have full reign,
Let Him live within your heart
Then you will know true love,
For this He will impart.


We grow closer to each other
When we’re closer to the Lord,
The common faith that we share
Binds our hearts in one accord

For friendships last a life time
When built on Jesus Christ,
Throughout each different season,
We find we are in life

Friends are there through times of grief
And times when hope is gone,
Always there with encouragement
So we can carry on

So thank the Lord for giving you
A true and faithful friend,
To laugh with you, and cry with you
On whom you can depend

For friends will stay no matter what
Giving you support
And together your hearts truly unite
With the love of the Lord.

Sometimes Love...

Sometimes love can be quiet
And sometimes love can be still,
But always love is patient
And is a choice of our will

Sometimes love can be vibrant
Sometimes it's not easily felt,
But always love is eternal
And is never boastful or proud

Sometimes love can be tender
Then sometimes hard to express,
But always love is truthful
And believes in the very best

Sometimes love can be exciting
And love can sometimes be sweet
For love is always trusting
And chooses never to envy

Sometimes love can be painful
Then sometimes love's like a song,
But always love is forgiving
And keeps no record of wrongs

Sometimes love can be gentle
Then sometimes it’s just a word,
But always love protects and hopes
And love is always preserved

Love is never self-seeking
And is never angered or rude
Love can never fail us,
For God’s love is faithful and true.

My Closest Friend

I place my hope in you,
For you alone are Lord
There could never be another,
I could ever love more

There’s no one that comes closer
To you in my life,
For you are my closest friend,
In whom I can confide

And share my deepest longings,
My hurts and my fears,
Knowing you will understand
And wipe away my tears

Knowing I can come to you,
Morning, noon and night,
You will never turn me away,
But give ear to my plight

And you will not condemn me
Nor judge what I say,
For you are full of constant love
And listen when I pray

Your love was such that you died,
My soul, you came to save
From certain eternal misery
Awaiting beyond the grave

But now, in you, I can be sure
Of eternity with you,
Freed from pain and misery
With eternal joy too.

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