Tuesday 22 January 2013

Easter Poems


We hold so close to our hearts
The cross where Jesus died
But so much more than the blood-stained cross
Is that Jesus came back to life

The stone's been rolled away
The tomb lay open and bare
They looked for Him, and then the angel said
That He is no longer here

Oh what joy they must have felt
To see Him just once more
To eat with Him, to drink with Him
To receive Him back as Lord

So much did He accomplish
Through His death upon the cross
And in His rising from the dead
He reconciled us back to God

Nothing else could bridge the gap
That sin had wrenched apart
Now we can freely go to God
And receive Christ in our hearts


Jesus loves us all so much
That He would bleed and die
He took upon His beaten back
The cross that saw Him crucified

Yes, He loved us all so much
That He was scorned and scoffed
He took it all upon Himself
For it was the will of God

God knew it was the only way
The final sacrifice
Jesus Christ, a sinless man,
Would need to give His life

And even in the gift He gave
We still have not yet known
The fullness of His mighty love
And the grace so freely shown

All He asks is that we all
Repent and follow Him
For He has made the way for us
Free from hurt and sin

Yes, God loved us all so much
And yes, He loves us still
He longs for us to trust in Him
And do the Fathers will


Our Heavenly Father,
Look down from above
On the world you've created
Out of words of love

Lord, when you spoke
Precious life into being,
You created so perfect
Each and everything

But when we sinned,
Perfection was lost
And separation from you
Was the price it cost

I know many times
Throughout the future years,
You tried so hard in vain
To draw us all near

It took your dear Son
To pay the ultimate price
When He laid it all down
The most holy sacrifice

The price Jesus paid
Has brought back to you
The fellowship we had
When we were born anew


Lord, you are so wonderful
And deserve our love and praise
I cannot express just how I feel
When I think of your saving grace

To think of what you went through
That day upon the cross
And in the moments leading up to it
When soldiers spat and scoffed

And beat you with no mercy
Making sport and having fun
You said not a word in your defence
Even though you were God's son

You bore it all out of your love
For the lost and dying souls
To give us a hope we can hold on to
For a future yet to unfold

It's such a beautiful description, Lord
Of what your grace can do
For no one's exempt from your saving grace
But it's a gift freely given from you


God almighty, our holy one
Conquering, victorious and risen Son,
Saviour, redeemer, Lord of light,
You saved me, freed me, and gave me life
Is there a way that I can repay
What it cost you my Lord that fateful day?
When you gave your life upon the cross
For all mankind eternally lost
For I know I could never pay the price
The cost of your eternal sacrifice
For salvation is a gift that you freely gave
When you died and arose from the grave
The hope that came from your sacrifice
Is the hope we have of eternal life


Beautiful saviour and precious Lord,
I thank you for your blood
That flowed that day at Calvary
A demonstration of your love

For no one has ever loved that much
For their life to be poured out
But you took upon your beaten body
The death sentence that was ours

We can never fully comprehend
All that you had to endure
You came a sinless, sacrificial Lamb
And offered a life so pure

We read how you were so mistreated
Rejected with no mercy or love,
But still, you willingly laid down your life
And poured out your life's blood

For it's by your blood we can be healed
Forgiven and set free
It was necessary that you died for us
So we may have eternity


We know when Jesus was crucified
Upon the wooden cross,
Our every sin was laid upon Him
All for loving the lost

And we know that when He rose again
He conquered death and hell
Through His resurrection we have
Eternal life as well

For this we praise our gracious Lord
And thank Him for His love
For we could never have had this hope
If it wasn't for His spilled blood

But we can know His resurrection power
Right now while we are here
For we can come to the cross of Christ
And lay down our burdens there

For everything that may hold us back
The hurts from yesterday
At the foot of the cross we lay it down
And then just walk away

For I believe that there is healing
At the cross of Christ
We do not need to carry these loads
For they've all been crucified

Receive from Jesus the healing you need
For your spirit, body and soul
Then you can arise, freed from your past
To walk completely whole

For what He accomplished on the cross
Goes on into eternity
Just reach out your hand and He will too
And receive His victory


Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God
Who takes away our sin
He came the sinless Son of God
To cleanse our hearts within

He hung upon the blood-stained cross
Thinking of you and me
Dying like some hardened criminal
His body in agony

His blood flowed down from the cross
His body tormented with pain
He cried out to His Heavenly Father
But it seemed no answer came

People stood and jeered at Him
Mocking to the end
Who Jesus was and why He came
They couldn't comprehend

Their hearts were indifferent to the Lord
Their consciences grew ever cold
His mother watched on - unable to bear it
As the sword pierced through her soul

As you try to grasp this picture
The pain that Christ went through
Remember that day you were on His mind
He endured it all for you

Just so you could know His love
And forgiveness for your sins
To know His resurrection power
And to have His life within

He cares that much about your life
He endured the cross for you
Like those who jeered, or those who loved
With Jesus - what will you do?

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