Monday 21 January 2013

everything is possible

Hidden In My Heart

I long, O God, to have your word
Hidden within my heart,
So it will be a lamp to my feet
And a light unto my path

Then I may know where I should walk,
Where your spirit is leading me,
To know more clearly the right direction,
Though the future, I cannot see

I pray that I’ll forever hunger
For your word, O Lord
To draw deep from your living water
And be satisfied once more

For I long to be continually washed
With the water of your word
To have it deep within my soul
So it may quench my thirst

Teach me the truths in your word
Reveal to me what it means,
Open my eyes to all the mysteries
And the truths still yet unseen

I want to walk uprightly, Lord,
To never go astray,
Your word, O Lord, is the guide I need
To keep me in your ways

I thank you, Lord, for your word,
The bread that feeds my soul
And I continually feed on it
From now until I grow old

So teach me, Lord, while I am young
So it will not depart
But will keep your word alive within,
Hidden in my heart.

Nothing Is Impossible

Nothing is impossible
With the Lord in our lives,
He causes doors to open
So we can walk inside

To brand new opportunities
We never knew before,
To a new exciting level
In our walk with the Lord

With faith in our hearts
And our hand in His hand,
We can cross any canyon
And through seas on dry land

For He will make a way
As in faith our walk begins
What seems to us impossible,
Is possible with Him

When feeling like it’s all too much,
Remember in the past
How God had made a way for you
When you came to Him and asked

And He again will answer you
And show you so much more
As you keep on trusting Him
And walking with the Lord.

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