Tuesday 22 January 2013

Wedding Anniversary poetry

God gave you and me
A precious love
That has grown in time
When things were tough
It was in those times
When love came through
In laughing, in crying,
Our love stands true
Our love still grows
And deepens even more
With hope in our hearts
And trust in our Lord.

God has said
That we should not
Live our lives alone
But to have someone
Close by our side
Together to make a home

He gave to me
Someone like you
So I could share my life
Together we stand
Whatever may come
With God’s love inside.

God has given me
Someone like you
To have and to hold
‘Till our lives are through
Our lives together
Was planned from the start,
It was there in the making
When love touched our hearts.

Life has its share
Of happy and sad,
Some laughter and tears
Some good and some bad
I just want to say,
I’m glad I have you
To share those times with
And God's precious love too.

My love for you
Is still strong
Upon the foundation
Our marriage is built on
On this special day
That I share with you,
We reflect back on
The day we said, ‘I do’
For God has blessed
This love we share
With each new day
And each new year.

God was there
At the start
When our lives touched

He filled our lives;
He filled our hearts
Our love was such

And still today
In every way,
I love you just as much.

I just wanted to say
How much that I love you,
From the moment that we met
And long after we've said, “I Do”
I can’t ever imagine
You not being in my life
I thank the Lord for joining us
Together as husband and wife.

From the day we pledged our love,
I seem to love you more
Over time our love has deepened
And grown stronger in the Lord
Through all the ups and downs we’ve had,
Our love has not grown dim
The light burns brighter to reflect
The love of God within.

You are the love of my life
And no one else could compare
The Lord joined us together as one
With a precious love to share
My soul mate and my closest friend
Together walking through life,
Hand in hand with a common purpose
To be faithfully serving Christ.

Your marriage is so beautiful
And is truly heaven made
Your love, hope and faith in God
Is strong and does not fade
May you truly sense God’s love
As you celebrate today
And see the future years together
As memories to be made.

Jesus is the one
We build our lives upon,
There can be no other
Foundation that is strong
And if we look to Him
In times of joy and grief,
He will answer all our needs
And give eternal peace.

You come before God, today
To commit your lives together
All the vows that you make
Remain in place forever
Never sway to the left or right,
Keep on the straight and narrow
Always walking side by side
And on into tomorrow.

God brought you two
To join as one
Blessed and sanctified
Through God’s dear son
Today and everyday
And for many years ahead,
May your love be like a strand
Of a strong woven thread

Don’t build your home
On the sinking sand
Because in hard times
It will never stand
Build your home
On the foundation of love
It will then stand strong
When times get rough.
The blessings of the Lord,
I pray will not depart
But remain forever more
In both your tender hearts
The Lord will bless you,
And He will keep you safe
He will watch over you
And guard you in your ways
His face will shine upon you
And His blessings will increase
His love will see you through
And give you perfect peace.

God has a plan for you,
If you both believe
And put your hand in His
And go where He will lead
He joined your lives today
As you have pledged your love
To walk this road together
With faith, hope and trust

God has filled you
With His love inside
He brought you together
As husband and wife
To love each other
For the rest of your lives
And to not give up
When you get into strife
For times like these
Is a part of life
And part of marriage
Is loving it righ

Honesty and truth
Is the only way
For a happy marriage
Beyond the wedding day
As you start to open
Your lives to one another
With no secrets kept,
You’ll enjoy life together
And God will bless you both
As you begin to follow through
With the vows that you make
In honesty and truth.

For the lovely couple
Who choose to share their lives
Together in matrimony
With God as their guide
Always share together
The experiences of life
Through all the ups and downs
Walk together, side by side
Communicate your love
In unselfish ways,
Sharing every moment
Beyond your wedding day.

May the Lord bless you
And keep you in
His tender care

May you always know
The precious love
You both now share

May it continue to be
With you throughout
The coming years.

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