Tuesday 22 January 2013

What we want

What We Want and What They Need

Why worry about things we don’t have
Things that we’re unable to get,
Is not life more than earthly treasures
And our faith more than mounting debt?

God has given us something more precious
Of more value than priceless stone,
Nothing that the world can produce
Compares to worshipping at His throne

We can’t take earthly treasures with us
What we have now, will remain,
So why struggle so hard to possess
What is temporal and subject to change

The kingdom of God is what matters
And the souls left to die alone,
The lost and the lonely living in despair,
Those that have no place to call home

Just look around at the hopelessness,
The state our society is in
A world untouched by God’s generous love
Drowning in the darkness of sin

It gives us something to focus on
As we open our eyes and see
For God is screaming out for the lost
With tears saying, ‘come unto me’

And we, His messengers, must go to them
And show them His love and grace
For nothing will ever change in our world
If we don’t put action to our faith.

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